Sunday, April 01, 2007

Full Tilt sat to Sunday 400K

ugh this was a toothgrinder...friend won a 50 ftp sat and couldn't play cause he was playing live for a WSOP ME seat in california....managed to come back from this "as per normal" beat when I called his all in....

PokerAfterDark Freeroll

yep no bad luck last 50K was all in with the best hand also...paid 2 spots, go out three...the guy had been shoving my bb every time and I finally called his all in with a-10..great choice...sigh

A chip and a chair/JD's poker luck

had an amazing tourney - down to $600 chips on the bubble and stacked back to $90,000!!!! and finished deep in the field...and that was including these two ridiculous beats for another $65,000..

raised the shortie's bb pre-flop and he calls off his last chips on the FLOP and runners quads...riiiight

KQ is the nuts, calling off his last chips when I put him all in after the ace hit and his flush draw had been eliminated...hits the miracle on the river....sigh...